Monday, April 23, 2012

Nice Review of UP on Amazon

Thanks to Olivia for a great review of Book 4. Check it out here, but be warned, there are some spoilers! Don't read unless you've already read book 4! And if you have...maybe write your own Amazon review? :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Nice review of CR

Check it out:
This is a great, intelligent review.

Win a copy of Book IV (CONTEST CLOSED!)

Greetings readers, here's a few updates.
First off, for those of you wondering about Book 5, the first draft is almost done. Don't get excited yet, it's still a long way from publication, but it IS in the works. More info will come later.
Secondly, have you heard of shelfari? It's this thing owned by, sort of a wikipedia for books.
Anyway, I'm writing up a pages for Book I, IIIII and IV. Check them out - it's pretty interesting. And, because this is like wikipedia, anybody can edit the page, so feel free to edit if you like!

Lastly, I must make an appeal to those of you who have read, and love, Books 3 and 4 -- please go to and give them high ratings! Book 3 is here and Book 4 is here. Show dem some love! Book 4 has no reviews yet - I will send a signed copy of Book IV to the first three people who write them! 

So here are the rules: Just write a review of any of the books, and I will look it over. If it's good - a good appraisal of the book - I will send you a signed copy of Book IV. But I only have three copies to give out, so first come, first serve! NOTE: I'm not looking for just five star reviews, just honesty!
Just write a review and then email me at christian.m.frank@gmail dot com. Happy Easter!

UPDATE: The contest is closed now! Thanks to the three fans who wrote reviews! Don't worry, there will be more contests in the future!